Advantages of Augmented Reality On the Factory Floor

A recent article on Worldcrunch discusses how Augmented Reality is going to be applied in industry in the near future as well as in smartphone games such as Pokemon Go. Patrick Sayd, head of the vision and engineering laboratory at technology research institute CEA List, is quoted to have said that improved smartphone technology has aided the success of AR applications due to AR overlay having to adapt to movements of the camera.

Other key points in the article include:

  • Testia has developed Mira, an AR application for aircraft manufacturers that finds the appropriate place for “brackets” (which secure the interior walls of an aircraft) to go. This app has reduced time taken to do such a job from three weeks down to just three hours.
  • Boston Consulting Group is working on a projector that will enable hands-free use by displaying virtual images onto the workplace.
  • Moundir Rachidi from the company is quoted to have said that AR will increase quality and productivity as well as decrease training time.
  • Safran, an aerospace organisation, has been investigating the many possibilities for AR over the past year. Nicolas Lepape, head of this ARVR project, is quoted to have said that the position of pipes needed in the engine can be visually projected onto it.
  • Many other companies are currently using, or planning on using AR, such as Airbus and Sunna Design.
  • It is predicted by some that wireless lenses will replace headsets and smart glasses in the future.
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