Healthcare Industry to Benefit from Marriage of 5G and Smart Glasses

A blog by AREA member Vuzix discusses how the healthcare industry is set to benefit from the combination of 5G and smartglasses.  The 2020 pandemic forced the global healthcare industry to adapt. Doctors could no longer see patients in-person, making remote appointments the norm.

Adding to the frustration, doctors-in-training no longer had access to classrooms and patients.

For several hospitals, disruption led to innovation. Vuzix Smart Glasses allowed medical instructors to stream their first-person view to off-site students. Meanwhile, caregivers could provide doctors with a real-time view of patients.

Even though much of the developed world has now been vaccinated, healthcare administrations are doubling-down on this technology.

And with lower latency, higher capacity, and increased bandwidth, expect 5G to trigger a hands-free revolution in the healthcare space.

5G networks offer lower latency, higher capacity, and increased bandwidth, meaning wearable displays can more seamlessly assist healthcare workers. As a result, more lives will be saved.

As providers like Verizon (Vuzix Smart Glasses support BlueJeans by Verizon) roll-out 5G networks across North America and beyond, there’s more incentive for hospitals to equip staff with wearable displays.

And the motivation isn’t purely financial. Smart Glasses have a track record of making workers in several industries more efficient.

Smart Glasses enable medical practitioners to get real-time monitoring of a patient without the need for a face-to-face consultation.

This ability has value that extends far beyond the current public health crisis. Most notably, it allows experts to remotely treat patients. World-class practitioners are no longer required to travel to save lives.

Ultimately, wearable displays make healthcare workers more effective.

It’s time to ditch the clipboard. Hospitals are about to get a much-needed productivity boost.

See Vuzix’s AREA member profile.

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