Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

Enterprise AR Ecosystem Trends

The AREA’s conceptual model of the AR ecosystem resembling a biological ecosystem takes into account macro factors that gradually emerge and evolve as the result of convergence of many trends.

For example, some of the technological trends contributing to the growth of Augmented Reality include:

  • Access to increasingly powerful, low-cost, smaller, and lighter (mobile) computational power
  • Nearly ubiquitous coverage of every inhabited space by fast, high-throughput communication networks
  • Commercial availability of cloud computing architectures using networks to connect various computational resources and storage of digital data in new, scalable ways
  • Miniaturization and design of networked systems involving sensors making possible real time capture of observations about the physical world
  • Breakthroughs in pattern recognition and analytics fueled by big data, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence

These technological trends both fuel, and are accompanied by:

  • Sociological trends such as an increasing expectation of people to have, in both their professional and personal lives, instant access to data and memories heretofore difficult to describe, let alone to use
  • Economic trends such as outsourcing of processes and tasks in new ways, adoption of, and increasing reliance on online commercial systems changing the role of brick and mortar establishments
  • Business management trends emphasizing less use of carbon-based (non-renewable) energy sources, and greater real time resource, inventory, and customer management

Nevertheless, as these trends are gradual and reflect new developments outside the core AR technology domain, the use of business ecosystem concepts is highly suitable.

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