Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

AREA Membership Benefits


Every employee of your organization can take advantage of each of these AREA member benefits.


Overcome Barriers to Adoption

Our members are working together to break down business and technology challenges, including use case applicability and deployment, IT and security, human factors, content, and enterprise systems integration.


Collaborate and brainstorm with the industry’s leading Augmented Reality players in our Committees, Initiatives, Liaisons, thought leadership, and networking events.


Become part of the AREA Research Committee responsible for creating the Research Agenda and Research Projects. These are living resources that focuses the attention of enterprise AR stakeholders on gaps in industry knowledge and obstacles to widespread adoption of AR in industry.


Become eligible to participate in and chair Committees and help drive their focus and direction. Members can suggest new Committees that add to the focus areas of the Alliance.

Cross-Consortium Participation

Participate in activities – and receive membership discounts – with our sister consortia: the Digital Twin Consortium and Object Management Group.

Exclusive Content

Gain access to member-exclusive Use Cases, Presentations, and Research in our member portal.

Thought Leadership

Receive industry recognition as a leader in Augmented Reality through your association with the AREA. Get published in research reports and blogs, and participate in webinars and conference panels.

Marketing & Branding

Participate in global promotional initiatives, events, publications, and social media amplification for your AR and AREA related marketing activities. Receive AREA leadership quotes for your announcements.

Social Amplification

Get featured in LinkedIn and Twitter campaigns for your Augmented Reality and Alliance-related accomplishments, events, and publications. Display the AREA logo on your website and in your marketing materials.