Smart Glasses by DAQRI Scale Down Smart Helmet Technology

AREA Member DAQRI has been in the news this week.  DAQRI’s Smart Glasses, released at CES this year, are the latest addition to its line of Augmented Reality gear, says an article in the Architect magazine.

DAQRI’s new release is a technology that builds on the company’s Smart Helmets. The Smart Helmet allows construction workers to use 4D displays and visual-inertial navigation to map out their surroundings. However the new Smart Glasses bring AR and VR technology to everyday office environments as well as industry.

The Smart Glasses operate on a sixth generation Intel Core m7 processor and use Intel’s RealSense LR200 Depth Sensor which can gauge depth and pinpoint the user’s location just like the Smart Helmet. However the main difference between both technologies is that the glasses, by design are noticeably more compact and are lighter that the helmet weighing in at 14 ounces. Unlike the helmet the glasses do not provide physical protection and do not allow thermal imaging technology that helped workers monitor and maintain work sites.

The Smart Glasses will excel in environments where employees would benefit from sharing files and images in real-time. They can help with remote assistance by utilizing its AR tracking camera which allows users to relay what they are seeing firsthand via the computer to their colleagues. These Smart Glasses by DAQRI also comes with a compute pack which can be connected and disconnected to share recorded information with co-workers.


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