Mobile AR Market to Reach 1.9b Unique Monthly Active Users by 2022

In a report released this week, research by Tractica reveals that the mobile AR market will grow from 342.8 million unique monthly active users to nearly 1.9 billion monthly active users from 2016 – 2022. Tractica, the market intelligence firm also believe that worldwide mobile AR revenue will rise from $749.0 million to $18.5 billion annually.

Principal Analyst, Mark Beccue said, “While it was once imagined that mobile AR, using smartphones and tablets, would be the strict purview of consumer use cases, the slow development of smart glasses married with the practicality and the ubiquity of mobile devices has opened legitimate, sustainable markets for enterprise use cases as well,”

 This market report provides global mobile AR market forecasts from 2014 to 2022. The report is segmented into different sections including regions, consumer use cases (Social Media, Gaming and Entertainment, E-commerce, Mapping/Indoor Navigation, Visual Search and Toys) Enterprise use cases such as education, plant maintenance, Field Service and B2B sales tools). The report also includes an in-depth analysis on 30 key industry participants.

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