Why Apple’s AR glasses will transform your enterprise

A Computer World article discusses how Apple is working to develop augmented reality (AR) glasses. Apple is expected to introduce them as soon as 2020.  This article explores what use they will be in the enteprrise.

The article covers how AR is being used in the following industries:

  • Training
  • Planning, architecture and design
  • Maintenance
  • Information, data and number crunching

Enterprises must think deeply about the scale of this. Lumus Vision estimates AR will be delivering these kinds of numbers by 2025:

  • AR video games: $1.16 billion
  • Healthcare: $5.1 billion
  • Engineering: $4.7 billion
  • Entertainment: $4.1 billion
  • Home and real estate: $2.6 billion

It makes sense for enterprises to begin to set aside R&D spend for small-scale development of AR experiences that may support their existing business.

It also makes sense to consider how AR in conjunction with data analytics, machine intelligence and predictive intelligence may introduce new business opportunities, particularly given Apple’s long-proven capacity to take complex technologies and make them mainstream.

Businesses can get clued up by accessing the information from dedicated organisations such as the AREA.  We have use cases in a wide variety of industries that help you understand how you can see real business benefits with AR.

Start with our use cases

And see our videos, webinars and podcasts 


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