In addition to the components of a standard technology purchasing process, those enterprise professionals seeking to acquire enterprise Augmented Reality technology and services should develop additional elements. A call for proposals should describe the scope of the project as well as AR project-specific guidance.
The buyer may include information on the following parameters:
- Which process will be addressed by Augmented Reality, and what are the existing tools used for managing the process?
- What are the challenges facing users and how will visualization via AR help to address them?
- What data are available (formats, file sizes, etc.) for creating augmentations?
- Are targets for AR experiences (objects) stationary?
- Which lighting conditions prevail in the enterprise workspace to be augmented?
- Which operating systems are currently in use in the enterprise?
- Does the enterprise AR project include new hardware dedicated to the AR experience delivery?
- How many users will this project serve?
- How many internal (enterprise) experts will be involved in different stages of the project?
- When (e.g., for which project phases) and how much support will the project need from the provider?
When inviting providers to prepare quotes, ask other enterprises for recommendations. Balance the playing field with existing, new and recommended providers.
By following these guidelines, the process of finding and establishing a successful working relationship with your future enterprise AR provider will be more efficient and result in better project outcomes.