United XR Europe

Date of Event:

Dec 8-10 2025


Brussels, Belgium


Maison de la Poste
Rue Picard 5-7
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Overview of event

This convergence of AWE’s world-renowned exhibition and Stereopsia’s deep-rooted European connections makes a statement to the XR industry in Europe.

Join Us in Brussels – 8-10 December 2025

XR professionals, entrepreneurs, builders, creators, investors, policymakers, and enthusiasts from around the world are invited to be part of this historic event.

European Enterprises exploring  XR adoption are invited to join the list of Enterprises who participated in AWE and Stereopsia events such as: Siemens, Alstom, Audi, LVMH, World Economic Forum, Red Bull, ESA, Bayer, Deutsche Telecom, Nestle, Shell, and hundreds more.

Event and community organisers from across Europe are encouraged to join the United XR Europe – everyone is welcome!

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