Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

AREA Safety Infographic

Benefits and Challenges of AR Environmental

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In the energy sector, AR is being used to power renewable energy systems by providing a more detailed understanding of energy sources and their potential. For example, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed an AR-based platform that allows users to visualize and interact with energy data in a 3D environment. This platform provides users with a better understanding of the energy sources available to them, helping them to make informed decisions about their energy usage.

AR can be used to create virtual systems that can be used for training and simulation purposes. Utilizing 3D models and simulations, engineers and designers can test out new energy systems before they are implemented in the real world. This helps to reduce the risk associated with introducing new energy systems and can help to ensure that they are as efficient and sustainable as possible.

The process of advanced urban planning nowadays includes the simulation of physical phenomena, its analysis, visualization and interpretation in order to evaluate the impact on the layout of the planning. For example, noise and air pollution, annoyances due to both nearby transportation infrastructure and urban traffic have become a serious concern for citizens. In order to provide major aid to the involved stakeholders, especially city managers, new techniques for the preparation, representation and interpretation of the typically large amount of resulting simulation data are required. These must be designed in order to enhance the perceptual and cognitive processes of users to facilitate faster interpretation and decision making. Hence, we introduce a new augmented reality framework which not only allows users to visualize but also to analyze physical phenomena in fast “what-if”-scenarios. By changing boundary conditions, parameters and re-simulating at interactive rates results can be augmented into real world planning layouts. Augmenting reality, urban planning and layouts with resulting simulation data through real-time visualizing tools provides a new and efficient interactive post processing unit for the exploration and analysis of the environmental impact due to changing conditions.

One of the industries hard-pressed to get more sustainability packed is the packaging industry. As a result, brands worldwide are looking for ways to cut down the layers of packaging, reduce waste, and encourage shoppers to recycle and reuse to maintain a healthy environmental balance. An immersive AR experience on the packaging can help drive the engagement of users, who can follow the product’s lifecycle.  Buyers have to scan the code provided on the packaging from their devices to watch an immersive video of the brand’s initiatives towards a green planet.

Manufacturers can leverage Augmented Reality to boost production efficiency by decreasing the rate of production errors and reiterations. Firms such as Lockheed Martin, Ford, and Boeing leverage augmented reality to quicken the overall process efficiency for manufacturing products and reduce market time. Efficient production leads to lesser wastage and puts less strain on the resources, thereby facilitating sustainability.


One of the primary concerns is the high energy consumption required to power the technology. The use of AR requires a great deal of computing power which can lead to an increase in energy use and carbon dioxide emissions.

The production of the hardware components needed to power AR can also cause a significant amount of pollution.

Increase the amount of waste generated. For instance, the production of VR and AR headsets requires a large amount of non-renewable materials, such as plastic. Furthermore, the production of hardware components such as microchips requires a great deal of energy, which can lead to higher carbon emissions.
