Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

14th AREA Member Research Project Proposal Ballot

Voting Process

As a member in good standing you are invited to vote for one of the 14th AREA-directed research project topics.

Supporting materials for each of the topics has been prepared by the Research Committee co-chairs for your review. In the table below please find:

If you have any questions or require further detailed information about the AREA Research selection process, please request details of the policies and procedures by sending e-mail to the AREA Research Committee Chair, Christine Perey or Executive Director Mark Sage.

The deadline for this ballot is February 1st, 2024, Midnight Eastern.

Date Milestone
December 8, 2023 14th AREA-directed Research Proposal Submission Form – Opens
December 18, 2023 14th AREA-directed Research Proposal Submission Form – Closes
January 12, 2024 14th research proposals voting – Opens
February 1, 2024 14th research proposals voting – Closed
February 7, 2024 RFP created and launched
February 27, 2024 Supplier decision by AREA Research Committee
March 1, 2024 Contract signed by research supplier
March 4, 2024 Research Project Starts
September 2, 2024 Research Project Ends











Please review the materials below and then use the form at the bottom of this page to submit your vote.


Topic number Topic Title  Proposal  materials
#1 Methods to Quantify Hologram Alignment Accuracy & Stability 1 - Methods to Quantify Hologram Alignment Accuracy & Stability
#2 Low-code and No-code AR Solution Benchmarking Low-code and No-code AR Solution Benchmarking
#3 Comparison of Visual Positioning Services and Spatial Anchors for Enterprise AR Comparison of Visual Positioning Services and Spatial Anchors for Enterprise AR
#4 Open Source VPS for Indoor Enterprise AR Use Cases Open Source VPS for Indoor Enterprise AR Use Cases
#5 Benchmarking and Comparison of CAD-based AR Solutions Benchmarking and Comparison of CAD-based AR Solutions

    Please use this form below to submit your vote:

    Vote for your preferred research project topic

    Please vote for one of the above research project topics. Vote tally will depend on membership level (Sponsor = 4 points, Contributor and Non-Commercial/Academic = 2 points). Vote one time and for one topic only. Point levels will be applied during vote tally.

    Ballot submitted by: