Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

Safety Committee


The AREA Safety Committee is committed to identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating safety risks associated with the use of augmented reality (AR) in enterprise environments. Our mission is to ensure that AR technologies are implemented safely, enhancing workplace safety, ergonomics, and usability while minimizing potential hazards.

The committee brings together industry leaders, researchers, and safety experts to develop best practices, conduct research, and create guidelines to support AR safety across industries. Our core objectives include:

  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation: Developing tools to assess and manage risks related to AR use, including cognitive overload, ergonomics, and situational awareness.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Compatibility: Analyzing how AR devices interact with gloves, helmets, eyewear, and other PPE to ensure seamless and safe usage.
  • Standards & Compliance: Aligning AR safety practices with global safety regulations and industry-specific safety standards.
  • Education & Outreach: Creating guidelines, webinars, and case studies to educate enterprises on safe AR deployment strategies.

Current Activities

  1. AR Safety Requirements & Risk Mitigation
    • Developing a safety requirements tool to help enterprises assess AR-related risks and safety needs.
    • Creating a visual guide to outline risk assessment steps and PPE evaluation in AR deployments.
  2. PPE Compatibility & AR Device Usability
    • Analyzing how AR devices interact with PPE, including:
      • Gloves (e.g., touch sensitivity with AR controllers)
      • Helmets & Headgear (e.g., compatibility with touchpads and displays)
      • Ear Protection (e.g., Bluetooth-enabled devices under protective headsets)
      • Respirators (e.g., voice control efficiency when wearing respirators)
    • Developing an interactive PPE selection tool that guides users in choosing AR-compatible PPE based on their work environment.
  3. AR Safety Infographic & Training Materials
    • Expanding the AREA Safety Infographic to include new insights on hazard identification, best practices, and real-world use cases.
    • Enhancing safety-related usability and ergonomics guidelines for AR hardware and software developers.
    • Creating training modules and case studies to educate safety managers on integrating AR into hazardous environments.