A procedure involving a human’s perception of digital information in conjunction with and registered on the real world (in context) is a use case. The specific information delivery or capture challenge (and the benefits of using AR to address it) can be known by evaluating it against the non-AR version of the procedure. For example, if the average error rate in a procedure due to insufficient information, or information that is too complex for a user to understand can be measured, then the error rate or time to complete a procedure without error using AR can also be measured.
As a result of the diversity of enterprise AR customers, use cases, and workplace settings, there are many different potential requirements to support employees in their workplaces. In order to ensure that research is relevant and to increase the applicability of results, the AREA recommends that research projects specifically focus on addressing a single use-case category at a time and state in their publications the use case or category which they target.
Conversely, the AREA recommends that when calling for proposals funding organizations specify the use category (or categories) in which the proposed projects would address requirements. Selecting and specifying a use case category in calls for proposals and research publications has at least the following benefits:
Based on their knowledge of the domain of industrial and enterprise AR, AREA members recommend the following five categories of use cases.