Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

The 15th AREA Research Project

Research RFPs

Comparison of Visual Positioning Systems and Spatial Anchors

To submit a proposal for this research, please follow the guidance and complete the form below.


Visual Positioning Systems or Services (VPS) determine a device’s location and position/orientation based on features in images captured by the user’s device rather than GPS signals. VPS systems create a 3D spatial map of a space by taking a series of images that have a known location and analyzing them for key visual features to create a fast, searchable index of those visual features.

To localize the user, the VPS compares the features received from the device in real time with those in the VPS’ feature index. The accuracy of localization through a VPS is greatly affected by the quality of both the imagery indexed and sent when locating, and the location associated with it.

Executive Summary: This project will identify commercial and open source Visual Positioning Services that create an index of visual features in a space, use or provide anchors on which AR experiences can be triggered, and study, compare and contrast at least four of the platforms (those most likely to suit enterprise requirements) for indoor enterprise AR use cases. The questions of how to manage spatial data (e.g., limiting the spatial map to only those spaces relevant to the user) and the options for premise-based deployments are in scope.

Customer problem

Project Goals

Successful completion of this project will result in the following benefits for AREA members:


This AREA research project will produce the following deliverables:

D1 – List of commercial and open source Visual Positioning Services on the market and final list of those on which the project will focus:

D2 – A detailed report documenting:

D3 – Assets used in the research, including but not limited to:

D4 – Methodology:

D5 – A member-exclusive webinar and executive summary for public audience


The research project proposal will include (max 7 pages):

Selection Criteria

All proposals will be evaluated by the AREA research committee chairs and research manager on the following criteria:

Timeline and Deadlines

Please use the form below to submit your proposal on or before 12 PM Eastern Daylight Time November 22nd 2024. The AREA will provide detailed replies to submitters on or before November 27th, 2024.

Unless otherwise negotiated in advance, the research project is expected to take approximately 120 days. The research will be completed, and finished deliverables will be provided to the AREA by March 30, 2025.

Budget for this Project

The AREA Research Committee budget for this project is $15,000.


For answers to any questions concerning this project and the AREA Research Committee, please send an email to the Research Committee.

    Submitter Information

    Submission Option #1

    Please fill in all fields below. If you would prefer to provide this information via PDF, skip to Option #2 at the end of this form.

    Description of the research methodology to be used

    Project milestones and timeline

    Project risks and mitigation measures

    Potential or confirmed partners in the research

    Background and qualifications of the organization to perform research and any proposed partners

    Examples of other completed projects/reports

    Please provide up to three references

    Submission Option #2

    The RFP details may be submitted via PDF, but should be no longer than 7 pages and include a background, milestones, schedule, partnerships, risks and mitigation and resumes of key personnel. Use the following field to upload your submission in PDF format. Additionally, you may upload images and/or a video URL to support your submission.

    Proposal Upload

    Image 1 Upload (optional)

    Image 2 Upload (optional)

    Video URL (optional)