Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

15th AREA-directed Research Proposal Submission Form

You are invited to submit research project topics using this form. After submitting your first topic, the form will return with empty fields enabling you to re-use it should you wish to submit multiple topics.

Please add any supporting documents or information you would like the AREA Research Committee co-chairs to consider alongside your proposal. You may also choose to share these documents with other members in support of your project idea.

DEADLINE: Submit this form with as much detail as possible by October 4, 2024 12 PM Eastern.

Any questions? The Research Committee chair, Christine Perey, [email protected] is available via e-mail.

    Submitter Information

    Research Project Idea

    Please fill in all fields below. If you wish to supply additional documentation, images and/or a video URL to support your submission, you may do so below.

    What type of research project?
    Topic of proposed research project*

    Goal of research project (200 words)*

    What are the specific objectives for the research?*

    Please use SMART objectives (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based) – clearly define the objectives (these can be, for example, the preparation of specific deliverables) so they can be measured against the project outcomes.

    Objective One*

    Objective Two*

    Objective Three*

    Objective Four*

    Who do you think has expertise to conduct this research?*

    Additional Information

    Here you may upload a document, images and/or a video URL to support your submission.

    Project Idea Upload

    Image 1 Upload (optional)

    Image 2 Upload (optional)

    Video URL (optional)