Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

Ensure the best possible start for your AR project

Enterprise AR Use Case Development Framework

One of the biggest challenges facing an organization embarking on its AR journey is to clearly articulate and share those first all-important AR use cases. Without a precisely-defined use case, requirements cannot be identified, a business case cannot be built, and support for the project – both financial and strategic – cannot be assured.

Why the Framework?

The AREA created the Enterprise AR Use Case Development Framework to help organizations overcome these obstacles. By following the Framework’s detailed, step-by-step process, an organization can consider all factors and home in on the AR use case best suited to their needs.

Framework Goals

The result is a use case that considers and captures all relevant details and fully meets the organization’s needs. With that clearly-defined use case in hand, team members advocating for the AR deployment can engage with colleagues to solicit and incorporate their feedback. They can then build a strong business case for the solution and present it to their management teams to garner their support and funding.

Framework Benefits

The Enterprise AR Use Case Development Framework isn’t just for getting started in AR. It offers a proven methodology and lasting value for any AR initiative:

  • It ensures use cases are written in business language that all stakeholders can understand.
  • It helps organizations prioritize features for system selection.
  • It makes it easier to measure the value of the proposed solution.
  • It helps to ensure a solid Return on Investment.


Start Using the Framework
These 5 resources comprise the Enterprise AR Use Case Development Framework.

You can get started right now!

  1. What Is an AR Use Case? [watch the short video]
    AREA members define use cases and explain their importance.
  2. AR Use Case Descriptions and Examples [download pdf]
    This reference document defines the types of use cases with examples of each.
  3. AR Use Case Template [download MS Word template]
    Build your own AR use case with your responses to this questionnaire.
  4. Step-by-Step Guide to Developing AR Use Cases [download pdf]
    This guide explains the objectives and the actions required to build an AR use case.
  5. How to Develop an AR Use Case [41 minute video]
    AREA members walk you through the step-by-step guide.


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