Cabin Crew Workflow

Cabin Crew Workflow

AR-assisted cabin crew workflows use any technology for creation, detection, recognition and rendering. Display options that permit professionals to use both hands are highly preferred. The user interface can be speech recognition, gesture recognition, eye-gaze recognition or touchscreen.

Integration of AR-assisted cabin crew workflows with traveler record management systems in some scenarios and systems is desirable.


  • Rapid and consistent access by cabin crews to most current records, instructions, policies or modules.
  • Reduced risk of errors and delays with rapid and efficient task completion during pre-, in- and post-flight workflows.
  • Increased safety for cabin crew members when performing their tasks.
  • Faster training scenarios.


Cabin crew operating in the passenger airline industry.


Members of cabin crew who serve passengers before, during and after flights and who could benefit from hands-free information updates.

Example Scenarios

  • Visualization of meal plans according to seating during meal service
  • Rapid scanning of credit cards and duty-free items during in-flight shopping




Interactive user instructions Virtual operation and interaction 


Aviation and Aerospace