Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

Identifying AREA Member Research Priorities

The benefits of executing joint research projects, sharing results and spreading research costs across members were a few of the original motivations for the formation of the AREA.

Today members can benefit from past and current AREA-directed and financed research projects on the following topics:

Wearable Enterprise AR Security Report

AR ROI Best Practice Report and Use Case

AR Human Factors and Safety Report and Case Study

AR in Manufacturing

– Best practices when merging IoT, AI and AR

(if your organization is an AREA member but you don’t have access to the member portal or if you seek access to deliverables from past projects, please contact Mark Sage to request).

Increasing Impact and Value

Responding to our members’ growing and wide-ranging research interests we are looking at ways to increase the AREA’s research throughput capability.

Therefore, the Research Committee invites members to contribute to a joint Research Agenda which will guide research by non-member organizations as well as member-led, AREA coordinated research efforts. This new workstream is in addition to continuing the current practice of AREA-directed and funded research projects (see list above) and will focus on overlaps in members current research programs or roadmaps.

In order to formulate the first AREA Research Agenda without exposing specific members’ strategic plans or burning problems, this initiative will:

  1. Detect and capture overlaps in research interests in a confidential manner
  2. Explore new ways to share existing research resources for common objectives  

A first step towards the above goals will be to identify internal member research stakeholders and conduct interviews with them to capture:

(All conversations fall under the AREA’s NDA policy)

In parallel, this project will identify and capture the research interests/programs of AREA academic members and their availability/capacity to support and/or carry out primary & secondary research (e.g., literature reviews or meta-analyses).

If you have any questions and/or would like to contribute to this research, please contact the research team.