Opinion: Why AR and VR Struggle in the Enterprise – lack of understanding

An article by David Roe appeared on CMS wire this week stating reasons why the author believed AR and VR struggle in the enterprise.

The reason is cited as the fact that people don’t understand what AR is, let alone how it can help with objectives and projects in the enterprise.  These were findings revealed in a research study by GutCheck, an agile marketing research company in April 2018.  It was said that this may explain why headset sales are down.


We hope that a browse around the AREA website can help to educate and inform people. Start with our glossary!  We have a wide range of use cases and webinars that aim to increase the understanding of those in enterprise of how AR can help solve business problems.

Findings included:

Consumers are still confused by the differences between AR and VR.

  • Almost all feel AR isn’t relevant to their lives
  • Most feel AR is meant to provide a way to try something, such as a product or experience
  • Brands expected to adopt AR include Google, Microsoft, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Amazon and Nike
  • Many would be interested in augmented reality tools relating to shopping and retail
  • Most became aware of AR through gaming

The full article can be read here:

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