Institute of Mechanical Engineers: Experts and industry leaders on how to solve the skills crisis

A variety of engineers and experts were interviewed on how to solve the skills crisis in the UK and featured on the Institute of Mechanical Engineers website.  By one estimate, the UK has a shortfall of 40,000 engineers.  Experts and industry leaders were asked for their ideas on how to overcome the problem.  The following topic areas were discussed by experts.


We were delighted yet unsurprised to see the use of AR on the list.  We have reproduced the section on AR for the benefit of our readers:

  • Highlight the benefits of automation
  • Companies must nurture young talent
  • Manufacturers must take control
  • Reach out to families and teachers
  • Combine study with work
  • Share talent around the globe
  • Invest in postgraduate qualifications
  • Use augmented reality.


The section on augmented reality was answered by Youssef Mestari, Programme Director of the Connected Plant initiative at engineering giant Honeywell.

Traditional education is one solution. But in the short term it’s more important that companies find effective ways to retain the years of on-the-job experience they already have. Intelligent deployment of emerging technologies will play a central role here, with solutions like augmented reality providing new ways to record industry veterans at work, creating active assistance for workers and immersive training sessions.  Augmented reality has been shown to reduce technical training from six to just two months.

In a business environment where markets are unpredictable and margins are tightening, finding efficient ways to retain skills, accelerate training and cut costs will be key to remaining competitive.


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