I2 Industrial Innovation Partners with Upskill to Deliver Augmented Reality Across Enterprises in Europe

In a press release dated July 3 2018 our member Upskill has made a partnership.  I2 Industrial Innovation Srl (I2), an industrial AR technology pioneer in Europe, today announced a partnership with Upskill, the leader in enterprise software for augmented reality (AR) devices.

I2 will now deliver its suite of AR products on Upskill’s Skylight AR software platform, enabling enterprises across Europe to benefit from more flexible, scalable and secure AR deployments that support their Industry 4.0 initiatives.


I2 selected Upskill as its platform software provider due to both the company’s strong reputation and market traction globally, and its product leadership with the most recent release of Skylight. With Skylight, I2 can now configure AR applications more securely, and deploy them quickly on its AR Suite of solutions. This will, in turn, enable I2 to scale up the impacts it is already delivering customers, including operational efficiency, quality control, maintenance, safety management and training.


The full press release can be read on Upskill’s website here and Upskill’s AREA member profile.



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