Atheer Supports AR Enterprise Enablement with New RFP Template

AREA member Atheer has created a Request for Proposal (RFP) template for public use by enterprises considering augmented reality technology, which can be downloaded from their website.

Writing a Request for Proposal (RFP) can be tough – especially when you are seeking proposals on a new technology that you haven’t worked with before.

Recognizing this challenge, Atheer has designed – and made publicly available – a new RFP template designed specifically to help enterprises that have identified a need for an Augmented Reality platform to improve the productivity, effectiveness, accuracy and safety of their work forces, customers, and supply chains.

The template is designed to ask many of the key questions your organization is likely to need answers for when developing a plan to procure and implement an AR solution. It is made available in Microsoft Word format so that it can be easily customized for your enterprise.

Please see the Atheer Blog to download your copy.


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